
@UIUC: Publishing in Feminst Journals (15 Feb, 12:30-1:30, GWS)

I'm glad to kick off the spring semester with another exciting "Meet the Faculty" event. This time we invited Professor Jennifer Hamer, Professor Antoinette Burton, and Professor CL Cole for a roundtable discussion on publishing in feminist journals. These three women will lend their expertise to our eager questions about how to approach the daunting task of successfully submitting essays with a focus on feminist themes or methodologies.

This informal event will take place on Thursday, February 15 from 12:30 to 1:30 in the GWS conference room. Even better, we will provide yummy snack/lunch food from Strawberry Fields. In order to gauge how much food to order, I'd ask everybody who plans to come to send me an email by February 13. Please feel free to spread the word and bring other interested people.

So, mark your calendars for the 15th, and don't forget to rsvp so we have enough food for everybody to go around.

Kerstin Rudolph

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