
CFP: Fifth Annual Loyola University Chicago History Graduate Student Conference (2 Feb; 24-25 Apr)

This is close enough to perhaps make it worth the effort to go up to Chi-town. Plus several EALC students have presented at this conf in the past and it sounds like a good one.

Fifth Annual Loyola University Chicago History Graduate Student Conference
April 24-25, 2009 Loyola University, Lakeshore Campus, Chicago, IL
Sponsored by the History Graduate Student Association, Loyola University Chicago

Emerging Scholars, Evolving Scholarship: A Graduate History Symposium
Call for Papers

Masters and doctoral graduate students in any field of historical study are invited to submit proposals to present individual papers at Loyola's Fifth Annual History Graduate Student Conference. The goal of this conference is to provide an opportunity for students to gain experience presenting papers and receiving feedback from their peers on their work. Sessions will include: Cultural History, Social History, Religious History, History of Race and Ethnicity, Gender and Sexuality, Public History, Economic History, Political History, and other topics TBA.

Proposals should include: submitter's name, contact information, institutional affiliation(s), a one page abstract of the paper (with a title), and a brief biographical statement indicating your academic status along with a return address and current e-mail address. Please note that submissions will be accepted as time and space permit.

Deadline for submissions is February 2, 2009. E-mail proposals as an attachment to HGSA Vice President Lisa Davis at: lucsymposium at gmail.com
m or mail to:
History Graduate Student Association c/o Lisa Davis Loyola University Chicago History Department 6525 North Sheridan Road Chicago, Illinois 60626
For more information about the conference, please contact Lisa Davis at: lucsymposium@gmail.com

History Graduate Student Association
c/o Lisa Davis
Loyola University Chicago
History Department
6525 North Sheridan Road
Chicago, Illinois 60626

Email: lucsymposium at gmail.com

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