
CFP: Graduate Journal of Asia-Pacific Studies (journal; 15 Feb.)

Graduate Journal of Asia-Pacific Studies
Vol.4, No.2 Online and Call for Papers

Submissions are invited from graduate students for a special issue of the Graduate Journal of Asia-Pacific Studies addressing the theme- "Resisting, Reclaiming and Rewriting the Asia-Pacific". Contributions are welcome from all
fields of the arts, social sciences, and humanities, including anthropology, literature, art history and visual culture, film and media, cultural studies, gender studies, geography, queer theory, history, linguistics, political studies, psychology, and sociology. Email submissions to the Editors, Ashley Remer and Imogen Neale, at gjaps@auckland.ac.nz as attachments in RTF or DOC format using a standard word processor. Submissions should be received by 15 February 2007.

Ashley Remer & Imogen Neale
University of Auckland
Email: gjaps@auckland.ac.nz
Visit the website at http://www.arts.auckland.ac.nz/gjaps

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