
CFP: International Journal of Asian Philosophical Association (Journal; 1 May/On-going)

The International Journal of Asian Philosophical Association (IJAPA) – an interdisciplinary, intercultural, full text, open access online peer reviewed journal now invites proposals for articles for its first issue (vol 1, no 1) on subjects related to the theme of Asian philosophies and the contemporary modes of existence. Topics could include, but not limited to, the dialectics of Asian various ways of governance and their relationship to religion and philosophy, the dialectics between philosophy and faith in relation to various Asian contexts, the constituents of Asian Philosophy and Asianness, Asian philosophies and Human Rights, and other related topics.

The deadline for paper submission is 1 May 2008. Submissions should include a 250 word abstract, a brief bio data, and full contact information. Papers should be sent in MSWord attachments to wmansour@fatih.edu.tr. Articles submitted to the journal should not exceed 4000 words including notes and bibliographical data; should be original and not be under consideration elsewhere. Contributions are accepted in English only. Further information, including instructions for authors can be found at: http://www.asianpa.org/ijapa/instructions.html

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