
CFP: Texas Asia Conference Graduate Student Conference (5 Apr; 10-11 Oct; U Texas, Austin)

Texas Asia Conference Graduate Student Conference

Friday, October 10 & Saturday, October 11, 2008

The Texas Asia Conference at the University of Texas at Austin invites students working on original research projects across disciplines and across traditional academic divisions of Asia to present their work. The conference will provide graduate students with a dynamic forum in which to present their work and benefit from a scholarly exchange of ideas. We welcome applications from graduate students in all academic disciplines engaged in research on South, Southeast, Central, and East Asia, and their communities in the diaspora. All areas of study are invited: anthropology, art history, communication, ethnomusicology, history, literature, philology, political science, religion, sociology, women's studies, and other related fields. Work which crosses disciplinary, spatial, and temporal boundaries is encouraged.

In addition to an exciting range of panel presentations and a lecture from two keynote speakers, a more casual program of receptions will provide ample time for less structured discussion and exchange, something essential to bringing together the wider community of students and professors. In the past, selected papers delivered at the conference were published in the South Asia Graduate Research Journal (SAGAR). We aim to publish selected papers again this year.

Submission Deadlines for Abstracts:
Saturday, April 5th, 2008.
Submissions must be made to the Planning Committee via email or post-marked no later than April 3rd. Electronic submissions must include the text in the body of the message. Abstracts should be limited to 300 words. Please submit the abstract with personal information, paper title, the author's name, affiliation, panel title (if applicable), address, telephone number, and email address, on a separate page. Presenters are encouraged to form 3- or 4-person panels. Groups submitting panels should send individual abstracts, plus a brief panel abstract, via the same email or envelope and include the panel title. Panels should be linked by theme. Final papers must not exceed 3000 words, as the maximum reading time is 20 minutes. The Planning Committee reserves the right to accept, reject, or restructure any paper and panel submissions.

Please send abstracts and panel suggestions to:
Email: texasasiaconference@gmail.com
Planning Committee
The University of Texas at Austin Asian Studies
Austin, TX 78712

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