CFP: History of Feminist Thought (incl Ch & Jp) (encyclopedia entries; 15 Oct)
They are currently seeking contributors to annotate primary source documents in women's history including on China and Japan--in areas that overlap with the interests of some students in EALC. As you probably know, encyclopedia entries aren't exactly gold on a CV, but they're definitely a good way to get started on publications.
I am seeking another round of contributors for an anthology of global documents related to the History of Feminist Thought, to be published by Greenwood Press. This 2-volume set will present approximately 250 primary source documents, tracing responses and challenges to the subordination of women within different national, cultural, and political contexts at different times throughout history. It is a much-needed project in recovering women's voices and incorporating the story of women's rights into the larger themes of world history. In some cases, this will be the first English-language publication of a document and so the possibilities for future research based on our collection are exciting, to say the least.
BELOW is a chronological list of entries for which contributors are currently needed. The main focus of each entry is the primary source document. Contributors will assist in selecting excerpts to use and will write brief contextual essays to accompany the excerpt. Each entry will be approximately 1500 words total, to include both the excerpt and the analysis/context.
Please look over the list for a wide range of geographical and chronological areas of interest - you need not be familiar with an
individual writer or document to write an entry. In most cases, I have already compiled some bibliographical or other information on the specific document and will pass that research on to you to assist you in writing the entry. I will send complete contributor guidelines as well as sample entries to interested writers.
The deadline for these entries is October 15, 2008. The honoraria is $40.00 per entry - contributors completing 4 or more entries may choose a copy of the published set (valued at $225.00) in lieu of cash payment.
PLEASE circulate this call to colleagues at other institutions, to graduate students, or to other interested scholars/writers.
Thank you and I look forward to working with an international community of scholars on this exciting project!
Tiffany K. Wayne, PhD
Independent Scholar
Call for Contributors - April 28, 2008
History of Feminist Thought (Greenwood Press)
Editor: Tiffany K. Wayne, PhD
1.. "How Should the Woman's Nature Hinder Us?" and other poems from the
Therigatha (India, c. 600 b.c.e.)
2.. "Lessons for Women," Pan Chao (China, 80 c.e.)
3.. "How I could best forward the cause of other women.," Radegund
(Germany?, 520/5-587)
4.. "The marriage knot can only tie one who exists.," Rabi'a (Islamic
empire (Iraq?), c. 800)
5.. ".I always write as I please.," Xue Tao (China, c. 800)
6.. "Because I am a woman." and "This wild lady.," poems by Yeshe
Tsogyal (Tibet, c. 800)
7.. ".they are not of equal status with me.," Dhuoda (Septimia
(France?), 843)
8.. ".my silken woman's dress obscures my poetry.," Yu Xuanji (China, c.
9.. "Scorn he should not render at the writer's weaker gender,"
Hrotsvita (d. c. 973?)
10.. "These Five Obstructions" (to women's enlightenment), Senshi
Naishinno(Japan, c.1000)
11.. ".the fate of being a woman.," Shunzei kyo no musume (Japan, c.1200)
12.. "Letter of the god of love" and "Book of the City of Ladies,"
Christine de Pizan (Italy, 1405)
13.. "But a spindle is all you offer." (and other writings), Argula von
Grumbach (Germany?, c.1530s)
14.. Letter on "the rightful freedom" of women, Louise Labe (France, 1555)
15.. Preface to Calvin's "On the Modesty of Women in Their Dress," Marie
(Geneva, Switzerland, 1561)
16.. "What daunts me most is being a woman.forbidden to write." and other
writings, Maria de San Jose Salazar (Spain, c.1580s)
17.. Disenchantments of Love, Maria de Zayas y Sotomayor (Spain, 1637)
18.. On the Equality of the Two Sexes, Francois Poullain de la Barre
(France, 1673)
19.. "The Answer," Sor Juana de la Cruz (Mexico, 1691)
20.. A Serious Proposal to the Ladies, Mary Astell (England, 1694)
21.. "Song of a Married Woman," Sanciya Honnamma (India, date?)
22.. "Appeasing Radhika," Muddupalani (India, c. late 1700s)
23.. "Appeal of One-Half the Human Race," Anna Wheeler (William Thompson)
(England, 1825)
24.. "A Plea for Woman," Marion Reid (Scotland, 1843)
25.. "Liberty," Carolina Coronado (Spain, 1852)
26.. "The Homes of the New World," Fredrika Bremer (Sweden, 1853)
27.. "Woman and her Social Relationships," Anna Maria Mozzoni (Italy, 1864)
28.. "Appeal to the Men of New Zealand," Mary Muller (New Zealand, 1869)
29.. "My Life," Rassundari Devi (India, 1876)
30.. "The Emancipation of Women," Maria Eugenia Echenique (Argentina, 1876)
31.. "We women who are heads of households.," Kusunose Kita (Japan, 1878)
32.. The Political Rights of Women and Social and Political Equality of
Women and Men, Hubertine Auclert (France, 1878-79)
33.. "I am the most interesting book of all." or other writings by Marie
Bashkirtseff (Russia/France, 1878-79)
34.. "A Comparison of Men and Women," Tarabai Shinde (India, 1882)
35.. "Daughters in Boxes," Kishida Toshiko (Japan, 1883)
36.. Origin of Family, Private Property, and the State, Friedrich Engels
(Germany, 1884)
37.. "The High Caste Hindu Woman," Pandita Ramabai Saraswati (India, 1888)
38.. "Equality of Rights," Francisca Diniz (Brazil, 1890)
39.. ".men and women are equal before God.," Muhammad 'Abdu (Egypt c.1890s)
40.. "Fair and Equal Treatment," Zainab Fawwaz (Lebanon, 1892)
41.. "The Emancipation of Women and its Probable Consequences," Adele
Crepaz (Bohemia/Austrio-Hungarian, 1893)
42.. "The Christian Feminist," Marie Maugeret (France, 1897)
43.. "The Coming Woman" and other articles from The Dawn, Louisa Lawson(?)
(Australia, 1899)
44.. "The Liberation of Women," Qassim Amin (Egypt, 1899)
45.. "A Mother's Word on the Woman Question," Marianne Hainisch
(Austria, c. 1900)
46.. "Women of the Philippines," Clemencia Lopez (Philippines, 1902)
47.. Memoranda on women's education, Raden Ajeng Kartini
(Indonesia/Java, 1903)
48.. "Reflection on Woman Suffrage," Briet Bjarnheoinsdottir (Iceland,
49.. "To Critics of Femininity," Rosa Mayreder (Austria, 1905)
50.. "Feminism is a Force," Julieta Lanteri (Argentina, 1906)
51.. "If I had the right to legislate.," Bahithat al-Badiya (Egypt, 1909)
52.. "The Liberation of Motherhood," Katti Anker Moller (Norway, 1910s?)
53.. "My Opinion," Luisa Capetillo (Puerto Rico, 1911)
54.. "Future of the Women's Movement," Helena Swanwick (England, 1913)
55.. "To the Women of the World," Hiratsuka Raicho (Japan, 1913)
56.. "Memoirs of a Persian Princess," Taj Al-Saltana (Iran, 1914)
57.. Speech on Woman Suffrage (?), Sarojini Naidu (India, c. 1918)
58.. Resolutions of Zurich Conference, Women's International League for
Peace and Freedom (WILPF) (1919)
59.. "The Difference between Men and Women.," Nabawiya Musa (Egypt, 1920)
60.. speech/statement from Woman Suffrage League, Ichikawa Fusae (Japan,
61.. "Women's Careers," Yang Zhihua (China, 1922)
62.. "The Woman in Democracy," Frantiska Plaminkova (Czech Republic, 1924)
63.. "Woman as Leaders," Amy Garvey (Jamaica, 1925)
64.. "The Turkish Ordeal," Halide Edib Adivar (Turkey, 1928)
65.. "Unveiling and Veiling: on the Liberation of the the
Islamic World," Nazira Zain al-Din (Lebanon, 1928)
66.. "Philippine Women and the Vote," Trinidad Fernandez Lagarda
(Philippines, 1931)
67.. "Facing Two Ways," Shizue Kato (Japan 1935)
68.. "East and West in Cooperation," Shareefeh Hamid Ali (India, 1935)
69.. "Sex and the Truth," Women Today, Murial Phillips (Australia, 1939)
70.. speech at Arab Feminist Conference (& other writings?), Huda
Shaarawi (Egypt, 1944)
71.. "Arab Women's Intellectual Heritage," Zahiya Dughan (Lebanon, 1944)
72.. Nation and Family, Alva Myrdal (Sweden, 1945?)
73.. "We had Equality.," Funmilayo Ransome-Kuti (Nigeria, 1947)
74.. "An End to the Neglect of the Problems of Negro Women," Claudia Jones
(Trinidad, 1949)
75.. founding statement of Singapore Council of Women (or other
writings?), Shirin Fozdar (Singapore, 1951?)
76.. charter and "What Women Want," Federation of South African Women
(FSAW) (South Africa, 1954-55)
77.. "Our Constitution-We the Liberated Women," Ghada Samman (Syria, 1961)
78.. pamphlet or statement on Indonesian women's movement, Gerwani
(Indonesia, c.1965)
79.. "Towards Equality," Committee on Status of Women in India (India,
80.. "A General Strike," Mariarosa Dalla Costa (Italy, 1974)
81.. "Black Sisters, Speak Out," Awa Thiam (Mali, 1978)
82.. "Let Me Speak!" (and/or "The Woman's Problem," 1980?), Domitila
Barios de Chungara (Bolivia, 1978)
83.. U.N. statement on "Women and Apartheid," World Conference/Decade
for Women (United Nations/South Africa, 1980)
84.. "Statement on Genital Mutilation," Association of African Women
(Senegal, 1980)
85.. "Speech before the Tokyo Metropolitan Assembly" and "The Day Women
Launched Into Politics," Mitsui Mariko (Japan, 1987)
86.. "Statement on International Woman's Day," Revolutionary Association
of the Women of Afghanistan (RAWA) (Afghanistan, 2004)
ラベル: CFP, China, Gender/Women's Studies, Japan, Publication
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