
CFP: Transnational Asia Graduate Student Conference (10 Dec; 5 Feb; Rice U, Houston, TX)

Transnational Asia Graduate Student Conference
Friday, February 5, 2010, 8:30 a.m. - 5:30 p.m.
Sponsor: Chao Center for Asian Studies, Rice University
Keynote: William Mazzarella, University of Chicago Dept of Anthropology

Phenomena that accompany the movement of individuals, ideas, and goods across the boundaries of nation-states are often glossed as "transnational." Individuals in Asia are evermore bound to each other and to the rest of the world. This increase in transnational encounters has both tested and strengthened national boundaries. We are interested in how intra- and inter- regional, transnational flows impact Asian societies and their interlocutors. While telecommunications technology and convenient air travel facilitate the forging of trade, educational, and cultural links, they may also presage the development of new conflicts and frictions. Our Transnational Asia Conference seeks a cross-disciplinary approach for exploring the processes and effects of "transnationalism" within contemporary and historical periods. We also aim to interrogate the very usefulness of the concept itself.

We are seeking paper proposals for the following panels. Abstracts of no more than 250 words may be sent to transnationalasia at gmail dot com by Thursday, December 10, 2009. Please indicate which panel you are submitting to in the body of your e-mail.

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