
CFP: Modern Art Asia (grad e-journal; initial issue deadline 7 Sept)

From: Majella Munro, Editor (modernartasiaenquiries at yahoo dot co dot uk)

Modern Art Asia is a new journal dedicated to the arts of Asia from the eighteenth century to today, presenting postgraduate research from historical perspectives and international news on Asian art. Combining peer-reviewed articles with insightful commentary and the latest exhibiton reviews from international correspondents, Modern Art Asia provides a new forum for exchange between scholars that crosses the boundaries of traditional academic disciplines, and engages with a general readership through the addition of journalistic writing on art.

Modern Art Asia invites postgraduates working on the arts and material cultures of Asia from the eighteenth century to the present to submit previously unpublished papers of 4,500-10,000 words for publication. Modern Art Asia aims to take an interdisciplinary and innovative approach to the study of Asia, and will consider papers on media and experiments that stretch the parameters of "fine art". Our first issue will be published online during the last week of October, to coincide with Asian Art in London and Frieze; the submission deadline for this issue is September 7th. We are also seeking students and journalists interested in becoming regular correspondents or in submitting shorter journalistic pieces.

Word limits: Academic papers: 4,500-10,000 / Correspondence and opinion pieces: 500-1,000 words /
Exhibition, book, performance reviews: 500-800 words

Students submitting academic papers who wish to include image reproductions are responsible for obtaining these and necessary copyright permissions. Authors of successful submissions will be notified 4 -5 weeks ahead of publication. Copyright remains with the author and authors may re-publish papers with acknowledgement of Modern Art Asia as the original site of publication. Please include an abstract (250 words) with your submission.

Contact modernartasiaenquiries at yahoo dot co dot uk to submit articles and for further information.

Modern Art Asia
modernartasiaenquiries at yahoo dot co dot uk

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