CFP: IAHA (International Conference of Historians of Asia) (30 Sept; 22-25 June; Singapore)
Call for papers: 21st Conference of the International Association of Historians of Asia (IAHA) 22-25 June 2010.
DEADLINE 30 Sept. 2009
A warm invitation is extended to all historians and scholars of Asia to come to the dynamic city of Singapore in late June 2010 to attend IAHA 2010. At this conference the Steering Committee will seek to showcase the latest scholarly research and developments that have taken place on a wide range of Asian topics in both the humanities and social sciences. IAHA 2010, generously supported by the Journal of Southeast Asian Studies, the Department of History, the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences and the Asia Research Institute at the National University of Singapore will delve into the past and look into the future. It will provide scholars with the opportunity of evaluating and discussing the emerging themes related to the continent with a large body of delegates from around the world. We would like you to be involved too, so please come and join us!
Our Programme Committee has already identified a number of themes which we would like delegates to explore in their papers and panels (see below), but we are open to other suggestions as well:
Asia's Political/Economic History
Agriculture; Ancient History; Archeological Perspectives; Asian Diasporas; Border & Boundaries; Maritime History; Nation-Building; Trade/Trade Networks; Societies on the Margins
Asian Cultural History
Asian Identities in the Past; Crime and Criminal Activities; Film & Music; Food; Gender; Literature & Art; Popular Culture; Religion/Missionary Activities; Sport
Current Issues & the Past in Asia
Financial Crises; History of the Asian Press; Human Rights; Labour & Labour Movements; Law of the Sea; Piracy; Protest Movements; Terrorism & History
Archives & the Maintenance of Documents; Asian Historiography; Asia in Museums/Museums in Asia; Educational History; Memory & Heritage; The Idea of Asia
History of Science
Biosciences & Modern Asia; Environmental History; Medicine & Public Health (Biomedicine, Forms of Traditional Practice, Western Medicine); Technology (Traditional to Colonial & Post-Colonial)
Military History
All forms of military involvement in Asia stretching from the distant past to the present will be considered
Proposals for individual papers, panels and colloquia, along with titles and short abstracts, are strongly encouraged from all interested parties and should be sent to the Chair of the Programme Committee to arrive no later than 30 September 2009.
An early bird registration fee of S$300 is offered to all delegates if they make payment by 28 February 2010. Thereafter, the registration fee will be S$350.*
Tentative Programme:
Tuesday, 22 June 2010
6 pm
Opening Event
Address by University Professor Wang Gungwu
National University of Singapore
8 pm
Dinner for all participants
Wednesday, 23 June 2010, 9am till Friday 25 June 2010, 5pm
Paper Presentations and Panel Discussions
Friday, 25 June 2010
5 pm
IAHA Business Meeting
River View Hotel
382 Havelock Road
Singapore 169629
Tel: +65-6732 9922
Fax: +65-6732 1034
Delegates will arrange their own accommodations. A listing of accommodations in Singapore can be found on this site:
IAHA 2010 promises to be a vibrant gathering in a safe but vivid environment. This is a conference that shouldn't be missed. Do, please, think about coming here. We would love to have you with us.
Best wishes
The Steering Committee of IAHA 2010
* Conference package will include Opening Event Dinner, 3 lunches, 6 tea/coffee breaks and a conference bag.
Jointly Organized By:
Department of History | Journal of Southeast Asian Studies
Asia Research Institute, National University of Singapore
ラベル: CFP, China, Conference, East Asia, Gender/Women's Studies, Globalization/Transnationalism, History, Inter-Asia, Interdisciplinary, Japan, Korea, Visual Culture, World History
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