CFP: "Asia: Backwards and Forwards." P.E.A.R. vol. 1 (grad student journal; 9 Mar.)
*Papers, Essays and Reviews *(P.E.A.R.), a new interdisciplinary English
language journal of international studies at Yonsei University in Seoul, in
conjunction with the Center for International Studies, is now accepting
submissions for its first issue from graduate students. The periodical
publication includes varying disciplines and methodologies, but each issue
will attempt to be thematic. Submissions fall into one of three categories:
*Papers,* original research that follow the theme of the issue with proper
citations and ranges between 3,000 to 8,000 words; *Essays,* dedicated to
editorials, recommendations, and reflections that do not necessarily adhere
to the theme and ranges between 1,500 to 3,000 words; or *Reviews,* focusing
on evaluating existing arguments contained in essays, articles and books, in
addition to the inclusion of policy reviews, not exceeding 2,000 words.
The inaugural theme is "Asia: Backwards and Forwards." All submissions are
(blind) peer reviewed, should follow *The Chicago Manual for Style* and
submitted no later than March 9, 2009 for the first issue via email at
pear at For more information, please visit our website at
ラベル: Cultural Studies, East Asia, Graduate Student Journal, History, Journal, Political Science
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