CFP: Book Reviews--Postmodern Culture (e-journal; no deadline noted)
Note: There are a few Asia-related books on the list as well as books related to some interests of those in EALC. The CFP doesn't say but it's very possible that the journal will be able to send a review copy--write and ask. Assuming you're qualified to review a given title, book reviews can be a great way to get free books!
The online journal Postmodern Culture solicits reviews for the following books. We also welcome proposals for reviews on any aspect of postmodern culture and theory. Please send either reviews of 2000-3500 words or proposals for a review, along with a short professional bio, to: Ellen McCallum, Reviews Editor, PMC, email: Word attachment files are best.
Anderson, Perry. Extra Time: World Politics Since 1989. Verso, December 2006.
Armstrong, Nancy How Novels Think. Columbia University Press, 2006.
Becker, Ron. Gay TV and Straight America. Rutgers University Press, 2006.
Birchall, Claire. Knowledge Goes Pop: From Conspiracy Theory to
Gossip. Berg, 2006.
Bloom, Lisa. Ghosts of Ethnicity: Jewish Identities in American
Feminist Art. Routledge Press, 2006.
Butler, Judith. Giving an Account of Oneself. Fordham UP 2005.
Camus, Albert and Levi Valensi, Jacqueline. Camus at "Combat".
Princeton University Press, 2006.
Cixous, Helen. Reveries of the Wild Woman. Northwester University Press, 2006.
Coles, Nicholas, and Zandy, Janet. Working-Class Literature of the
United States. Oxford University Press, 2006.
Collins, Alan. Cities of Pleasure: Sex and the Urban Socialscape.
Routledge Press, 2006.
Collins, Lisa Gail, and Crawford, Margo Natalie. New Thoughts on the
Black Arts Movement. Rutgers University Press, 2006.
Collins, Patricia Hill. From Black Power to Hip Hop. Temple
University Press, 2006.
Conboy, Martin. Tabloid Britain; Constructing a Community Through
Language. Routledge, 2006.
Derrida, Jacques. Sovereignties in Question. Fordham UP, 2005.
Easterling, Keller. Enduring Innocence: Global Architecture and its
Political Masquerades. MIT Press, 2005.
Funkhouser, C.T. Prehistoric Digital Poetry: An Archaeology of Forms
1059-1995. U Alabama P, 2006.
Gass, William H. A Temple of Texts. Alfred A Knopf: Random House Press, 2006.
Geis, Deborah, ed. Considering Maus: Approaches to Art Spiegelman's
"Survivor's Tale" of the Holocaust. U Alabama P, 2006.
Gillespie, Joanie Farley and Jayne Gackenach, eds. Cyber Rules: What
you Really Need to Know about the Internet: the Essential Guide for
Clinicians, Educators, and Parents. WW Norton, 2007.
Gordon, W. Terrance. Marshall McLuhan. Gingko Press, 2006.
Gray, Jonathan. Watching with the Simpsons. Routledge Press, 2006.
Hawkesworth, Mary E. Feminist Inquiry. Rutgers University Press, 2006.
Horsfield, Kate, and Hilderbrand, Lucas. Feedback. Temple University
Press, 2006
Jantzen, Grace M. Forever Fluid : A Reading of Luce Irigaray's
Elemental Passions. Manchester University Press, 2006.
Katrak, Ketu H. Politics of the Female Body. Rutgers University Press, 2006.
Kristeva, Julie. Murder in Byzantium. Columbia University Press, 2006.
Kritzman, Lawrence D. The Columbia History of Twentieth Century
French Thought. Columbia University Press, 2006.
Lim, Shirley Geok-Lin, Gamber, John Blair, and Sohn, Stephen Hong.
Transnational Asian American Literature. Temple University Press,
MacDonald, Scott. Art in Cinema. Temple University Press, 2006.
Maingard, Jacqueline. South African National Cinema. Routledge Press, 2006.
Marchetti, Gina. From Tian'anmen to Times Square. Temple University
Press, 2006.
McGann, Jerome. The Point is to Change it: Poetry and Criticism in
the Continuing Present. U Alabama P, 2006.
Morton, Timothy. Ecology without Nature: Rethinking Environmental
Aesthetics. Harvard UP, 2007.
Nancy, Jean-Luc. The Ground of the Image. Fordham UP 2005.
Nunes, Mark. Cyberspaces of Everyday Life. U Minnesota P, 2006.
Pettman, Dominic. Love and Other Technologies: Retrofitting Eros for
the Information Age. Fordham UP, 2006.
Petrescu, Doina. Altering Feminine Practices. Routledge, 2006.
Robinson, Hilary. Reading Art, Reading Irigaray. I. B. Tauris Press, 2006.
Roeper, Richard. Schlock Value. Hyperion Press, February 2006.
Said, Edward W. On Late Style. Pantheon Press, 2006.
Sleigh, Tom. Interview with a Ghost. Graywolf Press, 2006.
Spivak, Gaytri Chakravorty. Other Asias. Blackwell Publishers Press, 2006.
Stam, Robert. Francois Truffaut and Friends. Rutgers University Press, 2006.
Stewart, Charles, ed. Creolization: History, Ethnography, Theory.
Left Coast Press, 2007.
Sussman, Henry. The Task of the Critic: Poetics, Philosophy,
Religion. Fordham UP, 2006.
Tabbi, Joseph and Rone Shavers, eds. Paper Empire: William Gaddis
and the World System. U Alabama P, 2006.
VanBuskirk, Jim, and Shank, Will. Celluloid San Francisco. Chicago
Review Press, 2006.
Weber, Samuel. Targets of Opportunity. Fordham UP, 2005.
White, Edmund. My Lives. Ecco Press, 2006.
Wright, Melissa. Disposable Women and Other Myths of Global
Capitalism. Routledge, 2006.
Wyschogrod, Edith. Crossover Queries: Dwelling with Negatives,
Embodying Philosophy's Others. Fordham UP, 2006.
Xie, Yu, and Shauman, Kimberlee A. Women in Science. Harvard
University Press, 2006.
ラベル: Book Review, CFP, Cultural Studies, Gender/Women's Studies, Media Studies, Queer Studies
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