Friday & Saturday, April 4-5, 2008
Institute for Research & Education on Women and Gender
University at Buffalo, State University of New York
The Gender Across Borders III: Research Transformations committee
seeks panel proposals for an interdisciplinary conference highlighting
national and international trends in scholarship on gender and women.
Researchers are invited to consider "transformation" as a metaphor for
a number of scientific, social, cultural, religious, or physical
phenomena. Gender Across Borders III will use "transformation" as a
prism to reflect on the literal or metaphorical conditions of
existence, difference, permanence, and possibility. Although this
call is for panel proposals, individual papers or posters that
consider gender or transformation are also welcome (see below).
Topics on the conference theme could include:
Border-crossing (in politics; as metaphor); conversion experiences;
diaspora; experimental film; healing; human sexuality; identity
politics; (im)migration culture and reform; international law; labor
relations; language acquisition; library studies and technology;
management; medical ethics, nursing and/or patient care; othering (in
philosophy, psychoanalysis, literature, etc.); pedagogy; performance
art; queerness; radical cultural practices and politics
(transgression); religious studies; research-community collaborations;
research on relations/relationships (in management, politics,
psychology, etc); the sublime/transcendence; transgender politics;
visual culture and the image; women's histories; work-life issues
Architecture; art history; cancer research; classics; cultural
studies; economies (of finance, of labor); education; environmental
studies; epidemiology; feminisms; "the formative years" (childhood and
adolescence); genetic research; geology; hegemony; historicizing
research in any field; ideologies; illness; innovations in a
particular discipline; investigations of genre and form; linguistics;
nation formation; palimpsests; the persistence of gender; regional
studies; social movement theory; sociology and anthropology;
traditions and revisions; women's health; working-class studies;
working in male-dominated fields
-- Individual papers: Researchers wishing to submit individual papers
on "transformation" or on gender and women may do so at any time.
-- Emerging Women Scientists and Engineers: Researchers whose work does
not explicitly discuss gender are welcomed and encouraged to present
their current research in format most appropriate to their work: panel
discussion, power-point presentations and/or poster display.
-- "Work Life" Forums: balancing research, community, family, health,
and sanity.
In addition to panel and paper proposals, we welcome proposals of
poster displays from all disciplines. Poster-prizes will be awarded
to outstanding poster displays in the exhibit accompanying the
Abstracts, not to exceed 300 words, should be included in the body of
an email sent to Susannah Bartlow or submitted online at Please include a short bio of 200 words with
your abstract.
Deadline for Abstracts of Panel Proposals: August 31, 2007
Deadline for Abstracts of Individual Papers: January 10, 2008
Deadline for Posters: February 15, 2008
Information about past and current IREWG activities is available at
ラベル: CFP, Conference, Gender/Women's Studies, Globalization/Transnationalism
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