CFP: Nat'l Women's Studies Assoc. 2008 Meeting (1 Nov; 18-22 June; Cincinati)
This is just an initial announcement to get the ball rolling. I went to NWSA last month and it was definitely worth going. Cinicinati is very drivable from here. Not a lot of East Asia papers but that's all the more reason to go and present. --james
Resisting Hegemonies:
Race and Sexual Politics in Nation, Region, Empire
Race and sexuality and their interconnections have been matters of high politics and struggle in both Cincinnati and the National Women's Studies Association and constitute central categories of analysis in intersectional and transnational feminist inquiry.
The emphasis on race and sexual politics in this conference theme is dedicated to the ongoing process of undoing the long history of racism and homophobia in Cincinnati, NWSA, and beyond. Black feminist thought and sexuality/queer studies constitute important foci in this context.
Start preparing your NWSA 2008 conference proposal now. The complete Call for Proposals will be available in early August.
Proposal submission will be available September 1st, 2007.
Deadline to submit: November 1, 2007.
Patricia Hill Collins will serve as the keynote speaker.
Patricia Hill Collins is a social theorist whose research, scholarship and activism have examined intersecting power relations of race, gender, social class, sexuality and/or nation.
Her award-winning publications include the Black Sexual Politics: African Americans, Gender, and the New Racism (Routledge, 2004), which received the American Sociological Association's 2007 Distinguished Publication Award.
Click here for more details.
ラベル: CFP, Conference, Gender/Women's Studies
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