$$$: Bookwriting, Publication, Translation Grant on Korean Studies 2007 (no deadline noted)
This might be too early for anyone working on Korea here at UIUC, but it's good to know that this kind of money is out there.
SIKS (Strategic Initiatives for Korean Studies) in The Academy of Korean Studies in Korea is pleased to announce a Very new grant for Korean Studies for 2007.
The aim of this grant is not only to publish excellent books on Korea, but also to help research on Korea. The grant is composed of three:
(1) Book-writing on Modern Korea,
(2) Translation of Korean Classics, and
(3) Publication Subsidy.
This grant is newly launched with the support of the Minsitry of Education since May 2007. The total budget of this new grant is more than one million USD for each year. Individuals and research institutions related to Korean Studies are strongly encouraged to apply. Please be reminded that selected institutions in 2007 will be supported for the next three years. The support can be renewed depending on the result of the evaluation of the first three years' achievements. So this is an invaluable opportunity for research institutions. Applications are welcomed not only from Koreanists but also scholars of related studies.
Please direct any questions to the grant at siks@aks.ac.kr.
From the website, you may find the three English announcements. If you have problems in getting the application guidelines, please email us at siks@aks.ac.kr. We will send the files in MS Word as soon as possible.
Director Do Hyun Han
Strategic Initiative for Korean Studies
50 Unjung-dong, Bundang-gu
Seongnam City, Gyeonggi-do
463-791 South Korea
Tel: (82) 31-709-7562 Fax: (82) 31-708-5311
Email: siks@aks.ac.kr
Visit the website at http://www.aks.ac.krno de
ラベル: $$$, Korea, Publication, Translation
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