Call For Submissions: National Association of Student Anthropologists (NASA) Anthropology News column (rolling deadline)

Anthropology News – NASA Section
The National Association of Student Anthropologists (NASA), the student section of the American Anthropological Association, is issuing a call for submissions for its Anthropology News column.
The National Association of Student Anthropologists was founded in 1985 to address graduate and undergraduate student concerns and to promote the interests and involvement of students as anthropologists-in-training. Each month during the academic year, NASA publishes a short column in Anthropology News that focuses on issues of interest and importance to student anthropologists. Anthropology News (AN) is the world’s most widely distributed anthropological publication.
NASA welcomes submissions for its monthly column in the form of articles, essays, creative writing, teaching material, or book reviews. Possible topics for submission include:
* Views on current and/or controversial issues in anthropology. (e.g. How does the ethics review process (IRB) affect student training and research? What types of constructive relationships might be forged between US anthropology students and anthropology students outside the US?)
* Comparative reflections from students who have studied anthropology outside of the United States and at American institutions
* Opinions on the strengths and weaknesses of student training at the undergraduate and graduate levels. (e.g. What adjustments might departments make to better train their undergraduates for graduate school and/or better train their graduate students for field work, teaching, and entering the job market?)
* Insights or advice on the challenges and realities of being an anthropology student. (e.g. finding a mentor, applying to graduate school, student teaching, grant writing, publishing, conference participation, paper presentations, fieldwork, writing the thesis or dissertation)
* Reviews of recently published books or films (or other media) that address topics of interest to student anthropologists.
* Opportunities for students, such as internships, funding, or training programs (e.g. in research methodologies)
If you are interested in contributing, please contact Jenny Chio with a 50-100 word abstract. If your article is accepted for NASA’s column, you will be notified by email and sent a style guide to help you prepare your submission. Submissions should be of general interest to student anthropologists and should not exceed 675 words. The deadline is rolling, as the column is published throughout the academic year. We’d also welcome your suggestions on other topics to address in the NASA column.
We want to hear from you!
Jenny Chio, Incoming NASA Newsletter Editor
National Association of Student Anthropologists
American Anthropological Association
ラベル: Anthropology, CFP, Publication
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