
$$$: 2008 AKS Fellowship Program for Korean Studies (31 Oct.; 2008-9)

The AKS Fellowship Program for Korean Studies is designed to provide foreign scholars and doctoral candidates an opportunity to carry out their research (dissertation research) in Korea.


Individuals in the humanities and social sciences who are currently engaged in Korea-related teaching and research activities are eligible to apply (The fellowship is not open to Korean nationals, except those with permanent resident status in foreign countries):

1. Senior Research Fellowship: Associate professor level or above at a university or Ph.D. holder with more than 5 years of research experience.
2. Junior Research Fellowship: Assistant professor level or below at a university or Ph.D. holders with less than 5 years of research experience.
3. Pre-doc Fellowship: Doctoral candidates who have completed all academic requirements (i.e., ABD) except their dissertation.

While at the Academy, fellows will be provided the opportunity to give lectures to graduate students and to conduct joint research with faculty members. Applicants are encouraged to submit detailed research plans; those candidates with research programs that will result in a publication (e.g., a book or dissertation) are preferred.

Grant Period

The period of fellowship may begin any time between January 1 and December 31, 2008 and fellows are eligible for a maximum of one year support after arrival.

Fellowship Grant

1. Economy-class round-trip airfare: Only provided to overseas awardees
※ The payment will be made after your arrival. In conjunction with the public budgeting of Korea 2008, the GTR (Government Transportation Request) rate will be applied.
※ In case your original travel location is not listed on the GTR, AKS will pay the actual airfare. An appropriate voucher or invoice is required.

2. Free accommodations on campus

3. Monthly Stipend
(1) Senior Research Fellowship: 1,200,000 won
(2) Junior Research Fellowship: 900,000 won
(3) Pre-doc Fellowship: 700,000 won
4. Access to the facilities of the Academy, including the library.

Selection Procedure and Criteria

All applications are reviewed by a screening committee composed of AKS faculty members. The criteria used in reviewing applications are as follows:

1. Senior or Junior Research Fellowship
(1) The merit of the research plan and the feasibility of carrying out the proposed research at the Academy
(2) Capability to give lectures to AKS graduate students (preferably in English)
(3) Possibility of conducting joint research projects with AKS faculty members
(4) Capability of translating Korea-related books into foreign languages (English preferred).

2. Pre-doc Fellowship
(1) Excellence and feasibility of research topic
(2) Prospects of the proposed research to the future development of Korean studies

3. Applicant’s educational background, employment history, and previous awards record of any fellowship offered by the Academy, the Korean government, or other organizations will also be considered.

Required Materials

1. Senior or Junior Research Fellowship
(1) Application Form
(2) Curriculum Vitae
(3) Evidence of current employment or affiliation (if possible)

2. Pre-doc Fellowship
(1) Application Form
(2) Evidence of current enrollment at a university
(3) Graduate school transcript
(4) Letter of recommendation from the applicant’s dissertation advisor

* Application materials can be downloaded from our website at http://www.aks.ac.kr/eng_home/notice/notice_read.asp?num=44&group_id=44
* Applicants should submit attached files of the required materials by e-mail or the original documents by mail. Documents must be postmarked no later than the deadline.

Obligations of Fellowship Recipients

1. Fellows are expected to present their research results at an Academy seminar.
2. Published research papers/books resultant from the fellowship should acknowledge the fellowship.
3. Fellows selected based on lecture proposals are expected to arrive at the Academy by February 20 (spring semester: March - June) and by August 20 (fall semester: September ? December).


There might be a disadvantage to applicants who have been awarded fellowships from any Korean institutes or those who have rejected an AKS fellowship due to personal reasons within the last three years.

Application Deadline

All applications must be received by October 31, 2007


Those selected will be notified individually by December 17, 2007.


International Support Division
The Center for Information on Korean Culture
The Academy of Korean Studies
50 Unjung-dong, Bundang-gu, Seongnam-si, Gyeonggi-do, 463-791, Korea
Tel: +82-31-709-9843 Fax: +82-31-709-9945 E-mail: culture@aks.ac.kr

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