CFP: "The Construction of "'Memory' in Asia," spec iss of EAA Spring 2009 <20 Dec.; journal>
As I've noted before, EAA is a relatively easy way to get a pub on the CV by writing about something you're interested in.
Education About Asia (EAA) is the peer-reviewed teaching journal of the Association for Asian Studies. Our readers include undergraduate instructors as well as high school and middle school teachers. Our articles are intended to provide educators, who are often not specialists, with basic understanding of Asia-related content. Manuscripts submitted for consideration are evaluated by qualified referees.
We are in the process of developing a special section in the spring 2009 issue entitled "History, Literature, and the Construction of 'Memory' in Asia." In this special section, it is hoped that articles will be published where authors develop anuscripts that will enable teachers and students to better understand how academic and popular historical narratives and works of literature influence the way Asians perceive their past and those of other cultures. I am looking for essays that will be particularly applicable to educated non-specialists.
We are seeking manuscripts about all areas of Asia. Prospective authors should be aware that approximately sixty percent of our readers are secondary or middle school teachers and the rest teach at the undergraduate level. Therefore, we are most interested in manuscripts that are useful for survey-level courses.
Prospective authors should consult the EAA guidelines, available on the Web site under my signature, before submitting a manuscript for this special section. Prospective authors are also encouraged to share possible manuscript ideas with me via email. The deadline for initial receipt of manuscripts for this special section is December 20, 2008.
Lucien Ellington
Editor, Education About Asia
302 Pfeiffer Stagmaier Hall
University of Tennessee at Chattanooga
Chattanooga, TN 37403
Phone (423) 425-2118, Fax (423) 425-5441
email: l-ellington_
Web Site:
ラベル: CFP, East Asia, Education, Publication
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