CFP: 6th East-West Ctr Int'l Grad Student Conf. (31 Oct.; 15-17 Feb--Honolulu)
6th East-West Center International Graduate Student Conference
February 15 - 17 2007
We have had several students from your institution/department present excellent papers and look keenly forward to their participation in the current year as well. This email is to inform you of the extension of the deadline for the submission of abstracts from October 23rd to October 31st 2006.
May I request you to circulate this information widely in your department student list serves so as to inform potential participants of this important change?
The conference web site, which has additional information and an electronic abstract submission form, can be accessed at the following link:
Thanking you for your help.
Sugato Dutt
Chair IGSC 2007
ラベル: CFP, Conference
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