CFP: Journal of Japanese and Korean Cinema (No deadline noted)
The Journal of Japanese and Korean Cinema, a fully refereed forum for the dissemination of scholarly work devoted to the cinemas of Japan and Korea and the interactions and relations between them, seeks essays for its inaugural issue devoted to Japanese-Korea cinematic connections.
Possible topics for this first issue include, but are not limited to:
remakes across national borders;
censorship and regulation of Japanese films in Korea;
Representations of Koreans in Japanese film/Japanese in Korean Film;
Korean cinema under colonialism;
manga adaptations across national borders;
Japanese influence on Korean cinema/Korean on Japanese cinema
Future submissions may include essays devoted to issues specific to either Japanese or Korean cinema, but articles on interactions between them will also continue to be considered.
Topics for essays for future issues may concern:
historical considerations and reconsiderations;
spectatorship and audiences;
reception of Japanese and Korean cinema regionally and globally
Information for prospective authors:
Submit the article as an e-mail attachment in word format. Essays should be 6,000-8,000 words. Please include abstract of 150-200 words. Include a separate, short biography in the third person. Please give contact details, including e-mail address. Provide up to six key words for indexing.Do not put identifying information in your essay.
Text including notes should be in Times New Roman, 12 point. Everything must be double-spaced. Quotations must be in English. The first mention of a film should include its original title, director's surname and year of release. In all subsequent references, the title should be translated into English, unless known by original title in all markets. Use explanatory endnotes, not footnotes. Use MLA style for references and works cited.
David Desser and Frances Gateward, University of Illinois
Unit for Cinema Studies
3072 FLB
707 S. Mathews
University of Illinois
Urbana, IL 61801 USA
Fax (217) 244-4019
Phone (217) 244-2705
ラベル: CFP, Film Studies, Japan, Journal, Korea
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