CFP: "T'ang Studies: The Next Twenty-five Years" (1 Nov; 8-9 May; Albany, NY)
The T‘ang Studies Society and the University at Albany will co-sponsor an international conference on T‘ang Studies: The Next Twenty-five Years to mark the twenty-fifth anniversary of the Society’s founding.
The conference will be held at the University’s campus in Albany, NY May 8-9, 2009. The goal of the conference is to assess the current state of T‘ang studies and to encourage new avenues of research and collaboration among scholars of medieval China. The Society is therefore soliciting paper proposals concerning the following themes: (1) T‘ang China and the World;
(2) Historical Transitions and the T‘ang (both from Six Dynasties to T‘ang and from T‘ang to Sung); (3) Religion in the T‘ang; (4) T‘ang Literature; (5) T‘ang China in Intellectual History; (6) T‘ang material culture (including archaeology, art history, history of science, and technology). Paper proposals should contain the author’s name, institutional affiliation, address, and a 250 word abstract of the paper.
Please send proposals to the chair of the organizing committee: Anthony DeBlasi, Department of East Asian Studies, Humanities 210, University at Albany, 1400 Washington Avenue, Albany, NY 12222 or deblasi_ by November 1, 2008. The committee also welcomes proposals for complete panels, with abstracts for each paper. Limited funding is available to cover some of the costs for scholars presenting papers. Please note: one must be a member of (or join) the Tang Studies Society to deliver a paper at the conference. Non-members are welcome to register for and attend the conference. For more information about proposals, membership, and conference registration visit the Society’s website at
Anthony DeBlasi
Department of East Asian Studies
Humanities 210
University at Albany
1400 Washington Avenue
Albany, NY 12222
(518) 442-5316
Email: deblasi_
Visit the website at
ラベル: Art, CFP, China, Conference, History, Science, Technology
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