"REPRESENTING AFFECT / AFFECTING REPRESENTATION" -Second Annual Graduate Student Conference in Comparative Studies (10 Nov; 17-18 Jan; Columbus, Ohio)
Second Annual Graduate Student Conference in Comparative Studies
Hosted by the Department of Comparative Studies
The Ohio State University Columbus, OH USA January 17-18, 2008
In Parables for the Virtual, Brian Massumi argues that “belief has waned
for many, but not affect. If anything, our condition is characterized by
a surfeit of it. The problem is that there is no cultural-theoretical
vocabulary specific to affect.” Indeed, in a time when so much
experience is mediated, encountered through representation, the
functioning of affect is especially complex, shaping our daily lives as
citizens, consumers, and subjects. Yet without a precise language, it
becomes difficult to account for the precise ways that this occurs.
Shielded from scrutiny, affect begins to seem apolitical and naturalized,
rather affixed to representations laden with ideological projects.
Accordingly, we are seeking graduate student papers on the interchanges
between affect and representation that engage this nexus from a variety
of (inter)disciplinary perspectives. We welcome projects that consider
the following topics or others, as they illuminate the relationships
between affect and representation:
• Biopolitics and governmentality
• History and historiography
• Nation, state, and nation-state
• Religion
• Art, film, and literature
• Popular culture
• Trauma
• The family
• Psychoanalysis
• Gender and sexuality
• Terror and terrorism
• Crises and disasters
• Performance
• Philosophy and ethics
• Environmentalism
• Technology
• Race
• Illness, medicine, and death
• Justice and the law
• Class and capital
Please send 250-word abstracts for individual 20-minute papers (or panels
of 3-4 presenters) to AffectAndRepresentation_at_hotmail.com. The deadline
for submissions is November 10th, 2007. Accepted applicants will be
notified by November 30th. In the body of the e-mail, please include the
following information:
[Ed. note: No email address was provided and the CFP is not yet loaded on the website. Please check back there later. ]
Presenter(s) name(s):
Institutional affiliation(s):
Level of graduate study:
Title of paper:
Contact information:
ラベル: CFP, CompLit, Conference, Cultural Studies
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