CFP: Early Modern Japan: An Interdisciplinary Journal (refereed) (no deadline noted)
Early Modern Japan: An Interdisciplinary Journal is a refereed, on-line publication sponsored by the Early Modern Japan Network (EMJNet), a sub-committee of the Northeast Asia Council of the Association for Asian Studies. We welcome submissions from all disciplines related to Early Modern Japan (roughly the sixteenth to nineteenth centuries). We publish in the following broad categories:
1) Scholarly articles. Manuscripts are sent out to at least two referees for evaluation, comment and suggestions.
2) Translations. As with scholarly manuscripts, translations are sent to referees for evaluation.
3) Research notes, pedagogically oriented pieces, and professional news.
4) Book reviews. Those interested in reviewing books for /EMJ/ should contact our review editor, Carol Tsang, at
As an on-line publication, we have no restrictions regarding length and the publication of illustrations -- something that gives authors great flexibility.
Potential authors can contact me at, and potential contributors can follow the Early Modern Japan: An Interdisciplinary Journal link on the EMJNet web site ( to get to a style sheet and submission guidelines.
Thanks in advance,
Philip Brown, Editor
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